
Giraffe is a powerful platform that can unlock hundreds of use cases in your organisation. Learn the basic building blocks of Giraffe & start experimenting! Go ahead - it’s fun.

Drawing on the map

The building blocks of Giraffe are ‘features’ & ‘properties’. Mastering these two concepts unlocks the true power of Giraffe.

Adding map data

Map data can add a new dimension to your project or portfolio. Add map data through the layer library.

Calculating Metrics

When everything is measured, anything can be calculated. Analytics lets you build the calculations that are relevant to you.

Drawing with super powers

Beyond the basic drafting tools, Giraffe has powerful generative tools to help you solve complex spatial problems.
map line drawing
Start creating better cities

Giraffe is free to use for property developers, architects and governments. To access our full set of capabilities, integrate apps and add additional seats learn more about our paid plans.